Hack13 Blog
My Response To Kitely Marketplace
Alright I know right now everyone has been all over this we need to embrace the Kitely Marketplace thing for a while now. However that being said, I want to take to the side and take some notes at some...
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5 minutes
Well I never thought the day would come when I would say that I feel depressed with my work, well I been this way quite a bit lately. Work is getting harder and harder to keep up with lately, not due to being over extended, just that Zetamex seems to be falling behind lately.
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3 minutes
Upset With Stiffled Innovation
I am constantly hearing about all these people stiffing innovation, well today I had the last straw I could take. Before I begin, I want to make sure say this boldly and clearly.
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4 minutes
My Clocks Are Ticking
Well it has been a while since I have written on my personal blog again. However I have been feeling a little down lately and I think I need to write to pick up my spirits a bit again.
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4 minutes
Moving Up & Around
It has been one hell of a past month, I have had to deal with a lot of drama in my real personal life. Sometimes I wish we could all just live in virtual worlds, but drama would just pile up their too...
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3 minutes
Closed vs Open? Really?
I am dealing with a lot of people getting stressed over the debate of if grids should all be open or at least have hypergrid open. I am just going to put this out there, there are tons of people who want everything free in life, and never want to pay for anything.
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4 minutes
Why I Closed AuroraScape
I first want to thank everyone who was on AuroraScape, and I have to apologize to all of you. I know the life of AuroraScape was short but there are multiple reasons to this, and I mean no ill intent to the developers of Aurora by what I have to say in this blog.
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2 minutes
Who Is Timothy Vyper/Hoxley/Rogers
I just keep reading all this stuff about all these other grids, and the people who have influences there. Now that I am a grid owner, been making myself know more and more over the past year with all the things I have started. Grid-Press, SoftPaw Estates, Zetamex, and my latest AuroraScape.
446 words
2 minutes